“Livro Z” Graphic Design

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“Livro Z – Como o Suicídio mudou a minha vida” is a biographic book about how Virág survived after her brother suicide. 

Although his suden death plays a major role in the narrative, this book is not about to make sense of his act, but about Virág’s jorney to reconstruct her life and share her experience to help other suicide survivors. For this reason I did design the book resembling a journal, using for the chapter’s title a beautiful handwritten typeface called “La Belle Aurore” and for the main text “FF Ernestine Pro” a slab type that shows a certain resemblance with typewriters fonts. I felt that the strong narrative makes it important to explore the weight and the tactile feedback as a way to make the reader feel closer to the autor. Therefore I choose for the internal pages the gorgeous Polen Bold 90g paper, which provides a comfortable reading, a good weight and a nice texture. For the book cover I approached the author’s desire to use a delicate picture of them as a part of her desk composition in the beginning of the narrative, pointing the reader to the direction that the narrative will take. And the book title was a lettering I did create inspired by Zoltan’s handwriting.

Autor: Virág Venekey
Book cover and graphic design: Juca Lopes
Editor: Tarcila Lucena
Publishing House: Palimpsesto Editorial
Printed in Polen Bold 90g